The TIP Assessment is a performance improvement process providing extensive, actionable output and identification of critical requirements for all participants involved in a common mission. While VOC builds a stable foundation, it relies on collecting customer needs as a market research technique, is often one-sided, and may be limited from an enterprise perspective. The TIP Assessment complements and balances these inefficiencies.
Surveys have a 15% return rate on average, whereas the TIP Assessment garners greater than a 90% success rate in client participation. Additionally, the TIP Assessment provides both qualitative and quantitative results via TIP Analytics™ and is backed by validated, detailed feedback.
Generally speaking, TIP Assessments take six to eight weeks, depending on scope and complexity.
For maximum effectiveness, assessments are generally scheduled six to nine months in advance of a critical juncture. To get started, contact [email protected] or call +1.301.992.4076 for information and availability.
The process has been used successfully across a myriad of client environments. The process and results are effective regardless if the TIP Assessor is intimately familiar with the work environment or not since the detailed process includes an embedded methodology to uncover challenges irrespective of environment. TIP Assessors are skilled, former executives with a minimum of 20 years’ business experience.